In this era of the Ghaibah of Imame Zamana (atfs) we miss our Imam day and night in the hope that one day Allah (swt) will grant him (atfs) permission to reappear and fill this earth with justice and equality. During this age, it is our responsibility to be attentive towards the presence of Imame Zamana(atfs) and remember him day and night.
There are many responsibilities of the Lovers of Imame Zamana(atfs) which each one of us can do for our Imam. We have tried to highlight some of these responsibilities in this application. We hope this will make our bond with our Imam even more stronger.
We take this opportunity to release this app on the very auspicious day of the 15th of Shabaan, 1438A.H. We present this as a birthday gift to our master Hazrat Hujjat(atfs) and pray to Allah(swt) to grant him permission to reappear as soon as possible and to include us amongst his faithful servants.
Wassalamu alaykum wa rehmatullah